nedelja, 30. december 2012

New era - Nova doba

OK, there was no the end of the world. And planet Nibiru missed us - LOL! It seems that the most people didn't understand Mayan's calendar. So, on December 22nd new began new era and that Mayan tried to tell us.

I posted some new photos on my Myphotos blog. The most pics are from my city Ljubljana.

My friends Ana from Portugal has problems and I don't get any new stories for my Attractions blog.
I really hope she will make it and that she will come back to our FB community.

Torej, konca sveta ni bilo. In planet Nibiru nas je zgrešil - za crknit! zdi se, da večina ljudi ni razumela Majevskega koledarja. Tako se je 22. decembra pričela nova doba in to so nam Maji poizkušali povedati.

Na Myphotos sem objavil nekaj novih fotografij, večina fotk je iz mojega mesta Ljubljana.

Moja prijateljica Ana iz Portugalske ima težave in od nje ne dobivam več novih zgodb za moj blog Zanimivosti. Res upam, da ji bo uspelo rešiti probleme in, da se bo vrnila v našo FB skupnost.